C program to print all the possible permutations of given digits

Write a C program to print all the possible permutations of given digits.Permutations means possible way of rearranging in the group or set in the particular order.Example:Input:1, 2, 3 Output:1 2 3, 1 3 2, 2 1 3, 3 1 2, 2 3 1, 3 2 1Read more about C Programming Language . and read …

C Program to calculate the Combinations and Permutations.

C Program to calculate the Combination and Permutations. Combination means way of selecting a things or particular item from the group or sets. nCr=n!/r!(n-r)!. Permutations means possible way of rearranging in the group or set in the particular order. Read more about C Programming Language . /************************************************************ You can use all the programs on www.c-program-example.com* …